Console ESC-Codes

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Terminal Codes und Steuersequenzen sowie bestimmte Sequenzen im privaten Modus zum Ändern der Farbpalette, der Zeichensatzzuordnung usw. für die Linux Console. Alle beginnen sie mit einem ESC[ also einem \033[ .

Ein Beispiel: echo -e "\033[2J\033[16;43H\033[36;1mHallo\033[00m"
- löscht den Bildschirm ( \033[2J )
- positioniert den Cursor Zeile 16 / Reihe 43 ( \033[16;43H )
- färbt nachfolgenden Text Cyan Fett ( \033[36;1 )
- schreibt das Wort ( Hallo )
- setzt die Formatierung Cyan/Fett wieder zurück ( \033[00m )

ECMA-48 CSI sequences

CSI (or ESC [) is followed by a sequence of parameters, at most NPAR (16), that are decimal numbers separated by semicol ons. An empty or absent parameter is taken to be 0. The sequence of parameters may be preceded by a single question mark.

However, after CSI [ (or ESC [ [) a single character is read and this entire sequence is ignored. (The idea is to ignore an echoed function key.)

The action of a CSI sequence is determined by its final character.
@       ICH     Insert the indicated # of blank characters.
A       CUU     Move cursor up the indicated # of rows.
B       CUD     Move cursor down the indicated # of rows.
C       CUF     Move cursor right the indicated # of columns.
D       CUB     Move cursor left the indicated # of columns.
E       CNL     Move cursor down the indicated # of rows, to column 1.
F       CPL     Move cursor up the indicated # of rows, to column 1.
G       CHA     Move cursor to indicated column in current row.
H       CUP     Move cursor to the indicated row, column (origin at 1,1).
J       ED      Erase display (default: from cursor to end of display).
                ESC [ 1 J: erase from start to cursor.
                ESC [ 2 J: erase whole display.
                ESC [ 3 J: erase whole display including scroll-back
                buffer (since Linux 3.0).
K       EL      Erase line (default: from cursor to end of line).
                ESC [ 1 K: erase from start of line to cursor.
                ESC [ 2 K: erase whole line.
L       IL      Insert the indicated # of blank lines.
M       DL      Delete the indicated # of lines.
P       DCH     Delete the indicated # of characters on current line.
X       ECH     Erase the indicated # of characters on current line.
a       HPR     Move cursor right the indicated # of columns.
c       DA      Answer ESC [ ? 6 c: "I am a VT102".
d       VPA     Move cursor to the indicated row, current column.
e       VPR     Move cursor down the indicated # of rows.
f       HVP     Move cursor to the indicated row, column.
g       TBC     Without parameter: clear tab stop at current position.
                ESC [ 3 g: delete all tab stops.
h       SM      Set Mode (see below).
l       RM      Reset Mode (see below).
m       SGR     Set attributes (see below).
n       DSR     Status report (see below).
q       DECLL   Set keyboard LEDs.
                ESC [ 0 q: clear all LEDs
                ESC [ 1 q: set Scroll Lock LED
                ESC [ 2 q: set Num Lock LED
                ESC [ 3 q: set Caps Lock LED
r       DECSTBM Set scrolling region; parameters are top and bottom row.
s       ?       Save cursor location.
u       ?       Restore cursor location.
`       HPA     Move cursor to indicated column in current row.

ECMA-48 Set Graphics Rendition

The ECMA-48 SGR sequence ESC [ parameters m sets display attributes. Several attributes can be set in the same sequence, separated by semicolons. An empty parameter (between semicolons or string initiator or terminator) is interpreted as a zero.

param   result
0       reset all attributes to their defaults
1       set bold
2       set half-bright (simulated with color on a color display)
4       set underscore (simulated with color on a color display) (the colors used to simulate dim or underline are set using ESC ] ...)
5       set blink
7       set reverse video
10      reset selected mapping, display control flag, and toggle meta flag (ECMA-48 says "primary font").
11      select null mapping, set display control flag, reset toggle meta flag (ECMA-48 says "first alternate font").
12      select null mapping, set display control flag, set toggle meta flag (ECMA-48 says "second alternate font"). The toggle meta flag causes the high bit of a byte to be toggled before the mapping table translation is done.
21      set underline; before Linux 4.17, this value set normal intensity (as is done in many other terminals)
22      set normal intensity
24      underline off
25      blink off
27      reverse video off
30      set black foreground
31      set red foreground
32      set green foreground
33      set brown foreground
34      set blue foreground
35      set magenta foreground
36      set cyan foreground
37      set white foreground
38      256/24-bit foreground color follows, shoehorned into 16 basic colors (before Linux 3.16: set underscore on, set default foreground color)
39      set default foreground color (before Linux 3.16: set underscore off, set default foreground color)
40      set black background
41      set red background
42      set green background
43      set brown background
44      set blue background
45      set magenta background
46      set cyan background
47      set white background
48      256/24-bit background color follows, shoehorned into 8 basic colors
49      set default background color
90..97  set foreground to bright versions of 30..37
100.107 set background, same as 40..47 (bright not supported)
Commands 38 and 48 require further arguments:
;5;x    256 color: values 0..15 are IBGR (black, red, green, ... white), 16..231 a 6x6x6 color cube, 232..255 a grayscale ramp
;2;r;g;b        24-bit color, r/g/b components are in the range 0..255

ECMA-48 Mode Switches

ESC [ 3 h
    DECCRM (default off): Display control chars. 
ESC [ 4 h
    DECIM (default off): Set insert mode. 
ESC [ 20 h
    LF/NL (default off): Automatically follow echo of LF, VT or FF with CR. 
ECMA-48 Status Report Commands
ESC [ 5 n
    Device status report (DSR): Answer is ESC [ 0 n (Terminal OK). 
ESC [ 6 n
    Cursor position report (CPR): Answer is ESC [ y ; x R, where x,y is the cursor location. 
DEC Private Mode (DECSET/DECRST) sequences
These are not described in ECMA-48. We list the Set Mode sequences; the Reset Mode sequences are obtained by replacing t
he final 'h' by 'l'.
ESC [ ? 1 h
    DECCKM (default off): When set, the cursor keys send an ESC O prefix, rather than ESC [. 
ESC [ ? 3 h
    DECCOLM (default off = 80 columns): 80/132 col mode switch. The driver sources note that this alone does not suffice; some user-mode utility such as resizecons(8) has to change the hardware registers on the console video card. 
ESC [ ? 5 h
    DECSCNM (default off): Set reverse-video mode. 
ESC [ ? 6 h
    DECOM (default off): When set, cursor addressing is relative to the upper left corner of the scrolling region. 
ESC [ ? 7 h
    DECAWM (default on): Set autowrap on. In this mode, a graphic character emitted after column 80 (or column 132 of DECCOLM is on) forces a wrap to the beginning of the following line first. 
ESC [ ? 8 h
    DECARM (default on): Set keyboard autorepeat on. 
ESC [ ? 9 h
    X10 Mouse Reporting (default off): Set reporting mode to 1 (or reset to 0)---see below. 
ESC [ ? 25 h
    DECTECM (default on): Make cursor visible. 
ESC [ ? 1000 h
    X11 Mouse Reporting (default off): Set reporting mode to 2 (or reset to 0)---see below.

Linux Console Private CSI Sequences

The following sequences are neither ECMA-48 nor native VT102. They are native to the Linux console driver. Colors are in SGR parameters: 0 = black, 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = brown, 4 = blue, 5 = magenta, 6 = cyan, 7 = white; 8-15 = bright versions of 0-7.

ESC [ 1 ; n ]   Set color n as the underline color.
ESC [ 2 ; n ]   Set color n as the dim color.
ESC [ 8 ]       Make the current color pair the default attributes.
ESC [ 9 ; n ]   Set screen blank timeout to n minutes.
ESC [ 10 ; n ]  Set bell frequency in Hz.
ESC [ 11 ; n ]  Set bell duration in msec.
ESC [ 12 ; n ]  Bring specified console to the front.
ESC [ 13 ]      Unblank the screen.
ESC [ 14 ; n ]  Set the VESA powerdown interval in minutes.
ESC [ 15 ]      Bring the previous console to the front (since Linux 2.6.0).
ESC [ 16 ; n ]  Set the cursor blink interval in milliseconds (since Linux 4.2).
