Vim Diagramme

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Schnell und einfach ASCII Diagramme, Boxen usw. mit dem Vim-Plugin DrawIt erstellen.

Download / Installieren:

- Plugin von downloaden

- oder:

$ wget -O DrawIt.vba.gz
$ vim DrawIt.vba.gz
:so %

(:so %) installiert das Plugin in der aktuellen Userumgebung (meist unter .vim/ oder so)

Plugin in Vim aktivieren: \di
Plugin in Vim deaktivieren: \ds

- Für den "visual mode" einfach mit der Maus einen Bereich markieren.
- <Pfeiltasten> : zeichnen
- <Shift> und Pfeiltasten: nur navigieren
- <space> Taste für aktiv/erase Modus
- copy-shift (vervielfältigen): Objekt markieren -> <ctrl>-und mit Maus verschieben
- Block zeichnen: Bereich mit Maus Markieren -> \b

   <left>       move and draw left
   <right>      move and draw right, inserting lines/space as needed
   <up>         move and draw up, inserting lines/space as needed
   <down>       move and draw down, inserting lines/space as needed
   <s-left>     move left
   <s-right>    move right, inserting lines/space as needed
   <s-up>       move up, inserting lines/space as needed
   <s-down>     move down, inserting lines/space as needed
   <space>      toggle into and out of erase mode
   >            draw -> arrow
   <            draw <- arrow
   ^            draw ^  arrow
   v            draw v  arrow
   <pgdn>       replace with a \, move down and right, and insert a \
   <end>        replace with a /, move down and left,  and insert a /
   <pgup>       replace with a /, move up   and right, and insert a /
   <home>       replace with a \, move up   and left,  and insert a \
   \>           draw fat -> arrow
   \<           draw fat <- arrow
   \^           draw fat ^  arrow
   \v           draw fat v  arrow
   \a           draw arrow based on corners of visual-block
   \b           draw box using visual-block selected region
   \e           draw an ellipse inside visual-block
   \f           fill a figure with some character
   \h           create a canvas for \a \b \e \l
   \l           draw line based on corners of visual block
   \s           adds spaces to canvas
   <leftmouse>  select visual block
   <s-leftmouse>  drag and draw with current brush (register)
   \ra ... \rz  replace text with given brush/register
   \pa ...      like \ra ... \rz, except that blanks are considered
                to be transparent 

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